

Page history last edited by PBworks 17 years, 4 months ago

Installing Adhearsion


Installing FreeSwitch


FreeSwitch is still considered beta software and a little bit like Edge Rails (Ruby on Rails trunk) at this point. It may be a bit immature but in many ways it's where the technology is heading so it's worth paying attention to.


The official FreeSwitch homepage can be found at http://www.freeswitch.org. You should be able to find information about downloading and getting started there. But for now, like Edge Rails, the best way to get FreeSwitch is via Subversion:



Once you have downloaded the current trunk, you must configure which modules should be compiled in. To operate with Adhearsion, you must compile it. You may wish to be sure you have the most up-to-date libraries available for your system (using a tool such as yum) before compiling FreeSwitch.


Because FreeSwitch is so modular there's a good chance you'll be baking in other libraries on your system, so it is a good idea that they be up-to-date.


cd freeswitch

./bootstrap.sh # Creates configure script

./configure # Creates makefiles


after this, edit modules.conf and uncomment the line containing "portaudio"


make # Compiles

make install # Optional. Installs Freeswitch on your system


FreeSwitch doesn't do much out of the box. Because it is highly modular, and there are a lot of modules, there is a lot you can do with it -- and a lot of potential configuration. For our purposes, we'll keep a narrow focus and demonstrate a very basic configuration, and give a quick tour of the interfaces into and out of the system.


FreeSwitch, by default, is installed in /usr/local/freeswitch. The configuration files are in the /conf directory, and the binary is in the /bin. (You'll find that this pattern of relentless logic continues.) To start FreeSwitch, simply cd /usr/local/freeswitch/bin and type ./freeswitch -- and the program should launch.


Once you're in, you can try a simple test right from the console if you have audio enabled on your system.


This seems to work best on a Linux box where you have direct console access and a soundcard installed in the system. It won't work over SSH. But, it likely works on OS X, BSD, and Windows. (FreeSwitch is also designed to be highly portable.)


Enter pa call 1234. If all goes well, you'll be connected over the Internet to a FreeSwitch remote server and hear the Empire Theme from Star Wars. If this doesn't work, the most likely culprit is that you have a firewall installed (like iptables) that is doing nasty things, or that your audio is not enabled. The pa that we entered here tells the port audio driver to make this call. So, you can use the pa driver to initiate simple test calls (or to enable things like paging systems).











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